Fund Management

Mastering Flip Strategies in the World of Investments
Learn about the various meanings and applications of 'flip' across different investment domains. Explore how flips work in technical trading, real estate, IPO investing, and professional fund management to generate profits and minimize risks.
Understanding the Significance of High-Water Mark in Investment Funds
Explore the concept of the high-water mark in investment funds, its role in performance-based manager compensation, and how it safeguards investor interests.
Unlock the Secrets of Portfolio Performance with Attribution Analysis
Dive deep into the sophisticated world of attribution analysis, a vital tool for evaluating the performance of portfolios and fund managers. Explore its critical factors like investment picks, asset allocation, and market timing.
What is a Fund Manager? Everything You Need to Know
A comprehensive guide on what a fund manager is, their responsibilities, the pathways to becoming one, and the differences between active and passive managers.